Barack Obama unveils new solar expansion plans as officials confirm White House panels are now operational

The White House has taken a significant step towards renewable energy, defying Congressional climate deniers in the process. Solar panels have been installed on the roof of the iconic mansion, in a move that is being widely applauded by environmentalists. The decision to embrace solar power is seen as a major victory for those advocating for a shift away from fossil fuels.

“Barack Obama will on Friday unveil several new initiatives intended to expand the deployment of solar power on Friday, as officials confirmed that a set of solar panels on the roof of the White House was now operational.

Obama will – once again – bypass a deadlocked Congress and use his executive authority to announce $2bn funding for energy-saving measures at federal government buildings, as well as new financing and training programmes for solar installations.

The announcements, to be made on a trip to California, cap a climate-focused week at the White House, following the release of an authoritative report on the growing threat posed by heat waves, severe downpours and sea-level rise.

White House officials told a conference call with reporters the initiatives were intended to add momentum to the solar industry, which has seen rapid expansion over the last two years.”

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